Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Study Guide for 8th grade Geography Final Exam – Calvert – May 2012

Scheduled for Friday May 25th from 10:25-12:15 in the auditorium.
Preparation: The final exam is based on all the coursework we have done since the beginning of the semester. Some content was only introduced in class and may not be in your textbook, so look at your notes, graded assignments, quizzes, and the links to online materials I have included on the study guide posted on the blog to help you study.  Bring your questions to the review sessions.
Taking the Exam: You will only be allowed into the test with something to write with so bring two pencils and an eraser. Remember to read and follow instructions very carefully. Attempt to answer every question fully and never leave anything blank! Geography is a very visual discipline so think of ways you can illustrate your answers (draw pictures/maps) in order to help explain better what you mean. If you finish before time is up, take the time to read over your answers again and double check them

Map reading: pp.10-19 (also review computer lab assignments on the blog)
Basic Vocabulary: from the following list, define each to the best of your ability with complete, well written sentences. Add all ideas and examples that show your general knowledge of the subject. Use more than one sentence if necessary.
-          map key (map legend)
-          map scale - scale of the universe
-          map projection
-          map distortion - 4 types
-          grid (latitude & longitude)
-          relief
-          density
-          isoline
1.       Types of maps - from the following list, use complete, well written sentences to define each type of map, what they show, and what their purpose is.
a.       Physical maps
b.      Political maps
c.       Special purpose maps (explain using a specific example of a map from your assigned regional chapter – give the page number and title)
d.      Cartograms

Cities: Chapter 6 section 1 pp. 145-146 sections on movement and communication, section 2 pp.148-152 (also review computer lab assignments on the blog)
1.       Basic Vocabulary: from the following list, define each to the best of your ability with complete, well written sentences. Add all ideas and examples that show your general knowledge of the subject. Use more than one sentence if necessary.
-          metropolitan area
-          urban sprawl
-          hinterland
-          urbanization
2.       Essays - write a short paragraph answering each of the following questions. Feel free to use illustrations.
a. How did the introduction of the automobile affect the layout and size of cities?
b. Why is it necessary to consider factors of both site and situation when analyzing the value of a city´s location?  Exercise - Site and Situation of New York City , Research Project - Site and Situation of Cities in the US

Egypt: Chapter 25 section 1 pp.522-529
Matching: write the letter of the correct vocabulary word next to the definition fragment or clue description.
____ 1. This is deposited along the banks of the Nile River when it floods and is very fertile for farmers.
____2.  Perennial irrigation causes salt to build up in the soil making farmland useless for agriculture.
____ 3. A natural or artificial lake used to store water for human needs.
____ 4. The land that forms at the mouth of some rivers by soil that is dropped as the river slows and enters the sea.
____ 5. A dry, often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation.
____ 6. Due to the presence of water, these are the only arable places in the desert away from the Nile River.
____ 7. The watering of farmland with water drawn from reservoirs and rivers.
 ____ 8. An extended period of abnormally dry weather that causes water shortages and crop damage.
____ 9. A very fertile plain bordering a river and subject to flooding.
a)       desert
b)       drought
c)       delta
d)       reservoir
e)       flood plain
f)        alluvial soil
g)       salinization
h)       irrigation
i)         oases
Short Answer - answer the following questions in a few sentences:
                a) How has the Nile River affected the history and economy of Egypt?
                b) What three goals did Egypt hope to achieve through the building of the Lake Nasser Reservoir?
                c) Where in Egypt is population density greatest and why?

Russia: Chapter 20 section 1 pp. 414-419, and Soil: pp. 420-421
1. Basic Vocabulary: from the following list, define each to the best of your ability with complete, well written sentences. Add all ideas and examples that show your general knowledge of the subject. Use more than one sentence if necessary.
-          permafrost
-          tundra
-          taiga
-          steppe
-          soil
-          chernozem
-          organic matter
-          humus
-          regolith
2. Essays - write a short paragraph answering each of the following questions. Feel free to use illustrations.
a) Where in Russia is population density greatest and why?
b) What factors limit development in Siberia?
c) Describe the three stages of the soil formation process.

Germany : Chapter 16 section 2 pp. 331-335, Spain: Chapter 17 section 1 pp. 348-352, and Language and Culture pp.329-330 and maps on pp. 297 & 353.
1. True/False - Please write out the word True or False to the left of each sentence below.
____ a) Like Japan, Germany has few natural resources and must import most raw materials for its industry.
____ b) Germany as a nation has a long history of divisions and unifications.
____ c) A dialect is a variation of a language that is unique to a region or a community.
____ d) Germany was divided into two countries after World War II due to religious differences between Christians
____ e) Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian are all Romance languages that originated from Latin.
____ f) The Berlin wall was built to keep foreigners (non-Germans) out of the country.
____ g) The Meseta of central Spain has a dry climate because it is in the rain shadow of coastal mountains.
____ h) Spain is like a well guarded castle because it is ringed by mountains and coastal cliffs that block easy passage.
____ i) The northern coast of Spain has a very wet and rainy climate thanks to the mountains and ocean winds.
____ j) Madrid became the hub of Spain because it is on a navigable river near the coast.
____ k) Castilian Spanish is the only language spoken in Spain.
____ l) Although it is very dry, thanks to irrigation farmers can grow citrus and olive trees in the southeast of Spain.
____ m) A microstate is a very small country – for example, Vatican City is a country in the center of the city of Rome.
2.   Essays - write a short paragraph answering each of the following:
a) What combination of geographic characteristics has helped to make industry such an important part of the German economy?
b) When Germany was divided after World War II, why did West Germany become democratic while East Germany became communist? What happened to the capital city of Berlin?
c) How has the geographical site and situation of Madrid contributed to its growth and success?

Caribbean Islands: Chapter 11 section 2 pp.246-251
1.       Basic Vocabulary: from the following list, define each to the best of your ability with complete, well written sentences. Add all ideas and examples that show your general knowledge of the subject. Use more than one sentence if necessary.
-          archipelago
-          leeward/windward
-          coral island - animation 1, animation 2
-          volcanic island
-          island arc
-          hot spot
2.       Essays - write a short paragraph answering each of the following questions. Feel free to use illustrations.
a) What kind of plate boundary results in the creation of and island arc? (review pages 50 and 683)
b) How has migration from around the world affected the culture in the Caribbean?
c) How does wind and reliefaffect the climate of tall volcanic islands in the Caribbean?

Japan: Chapter 32 section 1 - Physical Characteristics pp. 681-682 and People and Culture, Crowded Cities, and Uniformity pp. 684-685 and How the Earth Works – Earthquakes pp. 244-245
Basic Vocabulary: write the definitions of the following terms and then use them to fill in the blanks below:
-          homogenous
-          cultural heritage - defined, article
-          population density
-          miniaturization 
-          epicenter
-          earthquake
-          tsunami - animation1animation2, animation3
-          seismic wave - animation1, animation2
-          aftershock
Fill in the blanks below with the terms above:
Because Japan is located at a place on the ring of fire where three tectonic plates come together, it experiences more _____________________(s) than any other country. The strongest shaking is usually felt at the __________________ which is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus where earthquake´s seismic waves originate. The strength of these waves are measured using a ______________________. An ____________________ is a tremor which occurs after an earthquake.  When an earthquake occurs under the ocean, it can produce a _________________________ which can cause great damage on coasts thousands of miles away.
Because over 99% of Japan´s people have ancestors that lived in Japan thousands of years ago, the population is  _____________________________ and shares a common __________________ ____________________.
___________________ is the average number of people living in a square mile or kilometer. Because this is so high, the Japanese have become very good at saving space through _______________________.
Short Answer - answer the following questions in a few sentences:
                a) How has the physical geography of Japan resulted in crowded places with high population density?
                b) How has the physical geography of Japan helped to shape its society and its separate, special identity?

1 comment:

  1. What are the World's Oldest Languages? Korean. Hebrew. Aramaic. Chinese. Greek. Egyptian. Sanskrit. Linguist thought the Sanskrit was very influential to several languages in Europe. Tamil.
